Monday, November 19, 2007

Week 10 - No. 23 The End

At the end of the iHCPL experience, I will say that my favorite discoveries are the Zoho products, especially ZohoWriter. This will be a great resource for home use--and a way for library customers to save their work quickly if they want to continue editing, for example, at school the next day. I was surprised and pleased with the ability to make mashups. I liked Wowio for its ease of use for audios and for the way it lists other products of interest based on your search. This will be a great adjunt to reader's advisory services we provide at the libraries.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Week 9 - No. 22 Downloadable Media

I explored the OverDrive materials. The home page gives a good variety of titles, both adult and juvenile,to choose from. Each title is available for a 14 day loan period. Titles include summaries and some include viewable excerpts. In addition to using the search box, you can also search by topics on the left-hand side of the screen, exs. eAudio, new eAudio. In terms of classics of literature, I did not find the poems of Emily Dickinson on this site, but I did find Moby Dick. I noted one title that will be of help to parents that I have worked with: Spanish on the Move for Kids. When I explored the free sites, I liked Wowio best. It has an attractive home page that draws your interest to new releases. Also, each book brings up a list of related titles that may be of interest. You can also search by category. Brave New World is included as a new title. LibriVox is less attractive from the homepage and on into the site. I did find the poems of Emily Dickinson and the classic, Moby Dick.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Week 9 - N0. 21 Podcasts

I looked at This yielded an interesting result that would be useful for libraries: Audio Literature Odyssey. This included professional readings of many well known authors and poets, including my favorite, Emily Dickinson.
Then I went onto Podcast Alley: it seemed more "hip," but required more steps that I was willing to do.
In contrast, Yahoo! Audio was VERY easy to use!! I found audio recordings of author/poet Richard Brautigan. These recordings were transferred over from LP records, so you can even hear the skips and hisses in the background--sounds of my youth!
When I looked at library uses of podcasts, I saw that one featured an exhibit and another introduced a new librarian. These are both interesting uses of this new technology.
Last, I added the Yahoo Audio feed for "Brautigan podcasts" to my bloglines rss feed list.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Week 9 - No. 20 YouTube

I explored YouTube today. I watched the example videos on iHCPL. Youtube can be used in such a variety of ways!!! I searched for videos on my favorite author, Richard Brautigan. I found several, including a few that used recordings of his voice, reading his poems.
Library uses for YouTube and similar technologies are numerous. If an author gave permission, he could be videoed as he presented for us. That way those that could not attend would still be able to see and hear him.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Week 8 - No. 19 Web-Based Applications

This afternoon, I created a Zoho account. I created two test documents. I learned the HARD way NOT to include puctuation or special characters in file names--doing this locked up my computer on the second document!!

Week 8 - No. 18 Social Networking

I watched the videos, took the Facebook tour and looked at numerous social networking sites. It is good to see that there are SO many social networking opportunities! looks like it would be the best for social networking with other librarians. I was impressed with the various layers of personal security provided by Facebook. Looking at these websites helps me to understand the overwhelming popularity of MySpace !!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week 7 - No. 17 Technology

When I began took classes for the Masters of Library Science at Emporia State University in Kansas 1978-79, we were told that libraries would soon be computerized to deal with the Information Revolution already in progress. It was actually 10 years after this when I worked for the Lee County Library System in Ft. Myers, FL, that we brought up the first DOS based version of Dynix to manage circulation. We still had separate stand alone computers that were only updated periodically to search for materials for customers. We have "come a long way, baby" from those humble beginnings. Even the sky may not be the limit for technology and its applications!!

I just finished adding my comment to What is scary is that I can see the future she predicts where we are "all watched over by machines with loving grace" just as Richard Brautigan did. Will librarians be needed--or will be become lovable dinosaurs?!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Week 7 - No. 15 Wikis

I looked at several Library wikis. What I found interesting is the quick way a community wiki could be mounted. This would help a great deal to have one place to add answers to questions frequently asked in the local community. For example, at North Channel, we could list the contacts for English as a Second Language classes.

I just added my blog to the iHCPL favorite blogs.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week Six - No. 15: Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

I read several of the listed articles on Library 2.0. I think that Web 2.0 and its offspring Library 2.0 have much to offer libraries. I also agree that as institutions, the best libraries are already user centered. I also agree that we should not rush to new technology just because it is available, but that we should review what's available and what these technologies can help us create. I entered this profession because it is customer centered. Library 2.0 gives us new and creative tools to link to our customers and serve them better.

Week 6 - No. 14 Technorati

I created a Technorati account and claimed my blog. Using Advanced Search, I used blog posts, blog tags and the blog directory to search "Learning 2.0" and found results on all.
I also used "brautigan" as my search word for blog posts, blog tags and the blog directory. In blog posts, this yielded an article on the CIA--which made me wonder, but this article did include a quotation from one of Brautigan's poems. In Blog tags, only blogs on Richard Brautigan appeared; no CIA articles. I really liked the blog directory search as this yielded "the brautigan pages" blog for all fans of my favorite author.

Boing Boing yielded a post on Creepy Michael Jackson fright masks. Neither Boing Boing or Lifehacker yielded any articles on author Richard Brautigan.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Week 6-No. 13 Tagging

I explored bookmarks. I tried to view the tutorial video, but it would not work and was blurry. I toured the iHCPL bookmark, looked at comments and tags. As a former cataloger, I am glad that the tagging is simple and does not use one and only one thesaurus for subject terms. The main use I will make of this is to create an account so that I can have my favorite bookmarks when I travel to other locations and use other computers.

Week 5-No.12 Library Elf

I easily registered for a Library Elf account. I have overheard staff discussions about the security and privacy of this account. From what I read, it is best NOT to use an RSS feed on bloglines as even private RSS feeds are treated as public. I was pleased to see in the Library Elf FAQ that NO list of books read is kept for each account. I was also pleased to see that this is a Canadian based organization that will only reveal private information upon being served with a court order.

Week 5-No.11-Library Thing

I used Library Thing to create an account and added 5 books by my favorite author, Richard Brautigan. This was easy to use--and makes me wonder if small, private schools might be able to use this as a cataloging tool.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Week 5-No. 10: Avatars, etc.

I created an avatar for my yahoo e-mail account. I also used meez to create a dancing avatar and post it to my blogger account.


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Week 4-No.8-Added iHCPL Blogspot: Kathy's blog

I added Kathy's blogspot blog to my rss feed on blogger.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Week 4-No.9:Finding & Using Feeds

I used Topix, Syndic8 and Technorati to search one of my favorite authors, Richard Brautigan. All produced results, usually referring to his poem, "All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace." Technorati took me to a link that includes indexing of most of his poetry. I enjoyed seeing his work and refernces to his work online.

Week 4-No.9: tried to use Feedster to add Widget

I tired pasting the Widget code into this post, but blogger will not take it.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Week 4-No.8: Created RSS feeds with Bloglines

I established RSS feeds on my blog, on fields of my interest, using Bloglines.

Week 1-No. 2: Learning Style

I am a note taker. I do not learn well in classes where everything is online and you just click, click, click. I prefer to have handouts to look at that detail all the steps in new procedures. I can then make my own notes on the handouts. If you do not see me take notes, I have not learned the new skill--and I cannot replicate the skill at a later time.

Week 2-No.4-Online Safety

Online safety is an important topic. I reviewed the materials linked to iHCPL. From personal experience, your info. can be "fished" off the Internet. I used YahooTravel to buy an airline ticket. This site is NOT secure.

Week 3-No. 5: added photo from Flicker

I added a photo from Flicker that showed autumn fall foilage. Since this photo was already tagged--and likely copyrighted--the tag portion was grayed out and would not let me add my own tag.

Week 3-No. 6: Used TripPlanner & mashup FDToys

I used TripPlanner to create a mock Caribbean cruise. / I also used the mashup FD Toys to create a card with a family photo and added a message to it.

Week 3-No. 7: used Picnik to add photo & caption

I used Picnik to add a photo to my blog and add a caption to it.

autumn contrasts

autumn contrasts
Originally uploaded by slider5
Week 3-#5: I posted this autumn photo from Flicker to my blog.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Carolyn's IHCPL Blog

Hello World! This is my first blog. I hope to learn lots of new techniques over the next two months.
